Nilsson+Siden Associates Inc.

Tufts University - Hamilton Pool

Medford, Massachusetts
Hamilton Pool at Tufts University, Medford, was restored when accumulated moisture and chlorine corrosion on the steel support beams and rotted wood planking evidenced the need for a complete retrofit of the building envelope. This project was combined with a renovation of the men's locker room and refenestration of the entire gym complex. The design approach was to first provide an interior finish surface that would withstand the corrosive environment of the swimming pool. The system selected is comprised of aluminum box trusses with fiberglass and translucent insulation panels made rigid by an aluminum grid. The second major component includes a ducted ventilation system to exhaust moist air and bring in fresh air depending upon volume and temperature of outside air.

CLIENT: Tufts University
SIZE: 17,500 sq.ft.
262 Essex Street  Salem, Massachusetts  01970  T: 978.741.5777  F: 978.741.0557
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